
Nicolle Wallace details why Robert Mueller only has to ‘connect one more dot’ to prove Russian conspiracy

special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 Donald Trump campaign conspiring with Russians to win the White House appears to be zeroing in on longtime GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone and Donald Trump, Jr.
“So this was a campaign whose public defense on all these questions of collusion, of conspiracy with the Russians, has been ‘we were too incompetent to collude with our press office,’ yet — yet we are to believe that Donald Trump coincidentally foreshadowed a big event on the day the emails came out?” MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace asked. “It defies any sort of logic or any sort of natural rhythm about the Trump candidacy.”
“And that Roger Stone happened to preview something that later became true?” former Department of Justice spokesperson Matt Miller chimed in. “So I think it is clear for — it’s been clear for some time, that Roger Stone is the next big target for the Mueller investigation.”
Wallace noted that, “this also ensnares and involves potentially Don, Jr. and we have some of the most explicit and easy to understand articulations of the campaign’s eagerness to be in receipt of assistance from Russia, as well as the first inkling into the vastness of what they were offering.”
“So we’re not groping in the dark in terms of trying to understand the Trump campaign’s affinity for, their appetite for, and their willingness to receive assistance from Russians and their associates,” Wallace explained.
“We have all of these proof points of coordination. Mueller has charged 13 Russians with election meddling,” the host continued. “Doesn’t he simply have to connect one more dot to one person on the Trump campaign and we have a conspiracy?”
“Look, there is certainly a huge amount of evidence of cooperation and discussions — almost like too much evidence,” noted New York Times reporter Nick Confessore. “It’s not like it’s in question anymore.”

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